To make a shipment to any entity outside Catalonia, click on "New registration"

Indicate which is the destination registration office to which you want to go (predictive text is available in the drop-down, and a search engine to filter offices by name, province, autonomous community and administrative level):

Choose Inter-administrative or Face-to-face as the settlement type, depending on the origin of the remittance.

  • 4.1 Sending documentation between administrations
    If it is a document being sent between administrations, you must select the Interadministrativo field, which is mandatory.
    In order to more easily manage the documentation being sent, the following fields must be reported:
    • External reference : any reference that the destination body needs to know and is known by the applicant (for example, vehicle registration number, receipt number from which a certain amount is claimed, etc.)
    • File number : File number to which the documentation/matter being dealt with belongs. An attempt should be made for requests to allow this code to be reported so that automated handling of settlement at destination is possible.
    • Código de asunto según destino : codification of the subject in the destination, if the request includes this data. Requests should attempt to report this code to enable automated handling of settlement at destination.

    Regarding the documentation that is being sent, it is necessary to fill in the complementary information field; whose dropdown provides different options:

    • Documentación adjunta digitalizada , it is indicative that paper documentation of any kind is NOT sent to the destination register and, therefore, this can be processed electronically with the data and annexes sent. This value must be checked when the documentation has been fully scanned.
    • Documentación adjunta en soporte PAPER (u otros soportes) , it is indicative that the necessary documentation for processing on paper is sent to the destination register. This value must be marked when the documentation cannot be scanned for technical, legal or functional reasons.
    • Documentación adjunta digitalizada y complementarimente en papel , it is indicative that paper documentation is sent to the register of destination, which is not necessary for processing, and which has been able to be digitized with full validity. This documentation is sent solely for reasons of competence and custody of the paper by the destination body. This value must be marked when the documentation has been fully scanned, but does not apply to the return to the citizen and must be sent to the destination body.

    In general, it should be borne in mind that all settlements that are sent must have the attached digitized documentation, with the exception of cases in which this is not possible, such as for example:

    1. If it is a sealed envelope with an offer.
    2. If it is a non-A4 format, how can it be a rolled sheet.
    3. If the documentation is bound, such as a book
    4. If the documentation has been submitted on a storage device, such as a CD or external memory.
    5. If the volume of the document does not allow it, remember that settlements only support a maximum attachment volume of 15Mb. In these cases, you can proceed in two ways:

      A. Successive registration procedure : the staff will group the documentation in several successive registrations. You will then note in the SUBJECT field that this is a PARTIAL shipment Y OF X, where Y is the position of the record within the set and X is the total number of records in the set. If, for example, the shipment were to be made through two successive registrations:

      • On the first record, the partial tag 1 OF 2 will be added to the subject.
      • On the second record, the partial tag 2 OF 2 will be added to the subject.

      Also, in the OBSERVATIONS field, RECORD CONTINUATION OF THE PREVIOUS will be indicated, as well as the number of the first of the successive records for easier identification.

      These actions will allow the staff of the destination Registry Office to easily identify if the documentation is sent in one or more registers.

      B. Sending the documentation by post : in these cases the settlement is made and the attached documentation is subsequently sent by post. Once received this documentation is when the receiver will confirm the settlement. It is recommended to send, together with the attached paper documentation, the proof of settlement where the registration number will be indicated, and thus it will be easy to identify which settlement the received documentation corresponds to."

    Please remember that if all attachments cannot be digitized, then everything is sent on paper.

    Shipments are always made to the Office of the destination unit (not to the Unit, even if it is physically closer to my institution); if this is not the case, the office will not know that paper documentation has arrived and will not be able to confirm the settlement.

    If you cannot find the addressee to which you want to make a shipment, do so to the body to which it depends hierarchically (eg if you cannot find a General Directorate of the Community of Madrid, make the shipment to the ministry corresponding).

  • 4.2 Sending documentation through the Single Window channel

In the case of documentation that has come to us in person, you must select the Single Window field, which is mandatory.

The registration date and registration number must be reported in the Registration Date and Registration Number fields. In this case, a new check-out is no longer made, but the information provided will be taken into account.

The optional information below must be filled in because it will facilitate the management of the documentation being submitted.

You must also fill in the fields related to transport, which are as follows:

  • Type of incoming transport : means by which the documentation will arrive at the destination body.
  • Inbound transport number : Identification of the shipment assigned to it by the carrier in the documentation.

It is necessary to fill in the data of the interested party; which may be one or more (in the case of more than one interested party, on the right-hand side we find the + to add as many as necessary).

If the interested party wants to appoint a representative, fill in the data corresponding to the representative and indicate that it is a representative by checking the corresponding box.

It is necessary to inform the Complementary Information field, with the following information:

    • Documentación adjunta digitalizada , indicates that paper documentation of any kind is NOT sent to the destination registry and, therefore, the destination registry will be able to process electronically with its data and its sent annexes. This value must be marked when the documentation has been fully scanned.
    • Attached documentation in PAPER (or other supports) , it is indicative that it is sent to the destination register, documentation necessary for processing on paper. This value must be marked when the documentation cannot be scanned for technical, legal or functional reasons.
    • Documentación adjunta digitalizada y complementarimente en papel , it is indicative that paper documentation is sent to the register of destination that is not necessary for processing and that has been able to be digitized with full validity. This documentation is sent solely for reasons of competence and custody of the paper by the destination body. This value must be marked when the documentation has been fully scanned, but does not apply to the return to the citizen and must be sent to the destination body.