To be able to access the System of Interconnection of Records, you must:

Be a member of EACAT and be an organization capable of having the SIR service

The SIR Service for Catalan administration bodies is provided through the EACAT platform. Therefore, to be able to access it, it is essential to be a member. If you don't know if your organization is a member of EACAT, you can consult the list of members. If the body is not a member, you can check how to join EACAT depending on the type of body.

Secondly, it should be borne in mind that the subjective scope of service provision EACAT and that of SIR are not the same (that is, despite being a member of EACAT we might not be able to use the SIR service). Entities that do not fall within the scope of Law 39/2015, current regulations on registration, cannot be users of the SIR service . If the entity that wants to use SIR does not fit the subjective scope of service provision and needs to send documentation to administrations outside Catalonia, it will have to do so, either through the Single Electronic Register or through other Registry office (the town hall you depend on, for example).

Have an integrated Registry office in SIR

It is necessary to have a registration office created in the Common Directory of Units (DIR3) and integrated in SIR. All the town councils of Catalonia, regional councils and councils have an office and have access to SIR. The rest of us who have joined EACAT are gradually signing up for the service. You can consult thelist of integrated offices in SIR to find out if yours already has the service.

If we have not yet registered your institution and you are interested in having the service:

  • If the entity is a Public Sector body of the Generalitat , contact the Department of the Presidency and they will be in charge of managing the registration, both of the service and of the new office. The department will inform you when the service is available to us.
  • For the rest of the bodies of the Catalan administration, you only need to open a request for support and from AOC we will make the necessary arrangements (Creation of the office* and request for registration to the competent Ministry). On the day the office is registered in SIR, we will send a formal communication to your institution through the EACAT register.

* Important information about the registration of the Registration office in DIR3: From the AOC Consortium we will take care of registering the office as long as we are administrators of the organization's dir3 codes. If this is not the case, the registration of the office will have to be managed by the administrator of the DIR3 codes of the entity itself and, once created, provide us with the office code (it is a code that begins with the letter O ). You will find information on how to create it in SIR 2.0 - Bodies managing their DIR3 codes .

Have permissions from the Registry Interconnection System service at EACAT

In order to access the service, it is necessary to have permissions for the Sistema de Interconexión de Registros service.

You can check if you have permissions from EACAT > Settings > My Space). If you don't have them, your EACAT user manager can assign them to us.

Access the service through EACAT

Access to the service is made from EACAT, APPLICATIONS section. To access it you need:

  • Log in with user and password or digital certificate at .
  • Go to the APPLICATIONS section of the top menu.

Applications section EACAT

  • Access the “SIR – Registry Exchange System” application

Access the Registry exchange system