The Single Business Window (FUE) is the single point of reference for companies, entrepreneurs and intermediaries in their relations with public administrations. It is a virtual space from where all these economic operators can carry out all the necessary procedures to develop their activity regardless of the territory and the administration responsible for the procedures and procedures.

According to Law 18/2020 on Facilitation of Economic Activity (art. 23), it is up to AOC to offer local entities the technological solutions and tools necessary to provide the Single Business Window services. Therefore, with the use of the FUE Local service procedure catalog of AOC, regulatory compliance and interoperability with Canal Empresa are guaranteed.

The FUE Local service offered by AOC makes it easy for local authorities to have detailed information for different procedures associated with the processing of business activities, including the details of their descriptive sheet, the electronic form (via e-TRAM 2.0) , as well as a technical table that allows each activity to be associated with the corresponding processing regime. The town councils integrated into the project will also have the connection to the “Guided Search for Procedures” included in the Single Business Window project (Business Management Office).

Therefore, with the FUE Local service, it is easier for city councils to comply with the simplification law in a simple way.